
March 1 Series: AC-1C-MD
 March 1 Series: AC-1C-MD

Small but versatile, March Series 1 and 893 pumps can deliver a minimum of 1.7 gpm. Series 1 and 893 pumps are available in both open-air and epoxy clad submesible models with a variety of options in both materials of constrcution and inlet and discharge ports. Series 1 pumps have a maximum operating temperature are 190°F for open-air models, or 130°F for submersible models.

March 10 Series: TE-10K-MD
March 10 Series: TE-10K-MD

Series 10K pumps are ideal transfer pumps for many strong acid and caustic chemical solutions, such as those based on halogens or chromic and sulfuric acids. Made of carbon-filled Kynar® PVDF, it is designed for complete chemical compatibility. Other materials include ceramic and Viton®. Standard bushing is carbon. The Series 10K pumps have connections sizes - 3" MPT inlet and 2"MPT outlet.

March 2 Series: 2CP-MD
March 2 Series: 2CP-MD

Compact and adaptable to many applications, March Series 2 pumps can deliver flows to 5.5 gpm and handle maximum head up to 13.5 ft. Available in both open air and epoxy clad submersible models with a variety of options in both materials of construction and inlet/outlet ports. Series 2 pumps include submersible pumps as well as models that can be used either submerged or in open air. They are used in a wide variety of chemical, OEM and industrial applications, including etching equipment, degreasers, garden fountain, ice makers and plate processors.

March 2 Series: AC-2CP-MD
March 2 Series: AC-2CP-MD

Compact and adaptable to many applications, March Series 2 pumps can deliver flows to 5.5 gpm and handle maximum head up to 13.5 ft. Available in both open air and epoxy clad submersible models with a variety of options in both materials of construction and inlet/outlet ports. Series 2 pumps include submersible pumps as well as models that can be used either submerged or in open air. They are used in a wide variety of chemical, OEM and industrial applications, including etching equipment, degreasers, garden fountain, ice makers and plate processors.

March 2 Series: BC-2CP-MD

Compact and adaptable to many applications, March Series 2 pumps can deliver flows to 5.5 gpm and handle maximum head up to 13.5 ft. Available in both open air and epoxy clad submersible models with a variety of options in both materials of construction and inlet/outlet ports. Series 2 pumps include submersible pumps as well as models that can be used either submerged or in open air. They are used in a wide variety of chemical, OEM and industrial applications, including etching equipment, degreasers, garden fountain, ice makers and plate processors.