
Small but versatile, March Series 1 and 893 pumps can deliver a minimum of 1.7 gpm. Series 1 and 893 pumps are available in both open-air and epoxy clad submesible models with a variety of options in both materials of constrcution and inlet and discharge ports. Series 1 pumps have a maximum operating temperature are 190°F for open-air models, or 130°F for submersible models.

Series 10K pumps are ideal transfer pumps for many strong acid and caustic chemical solutions, such as those based on halogens or chromic and sulfuric acids. Made of carbon-filled Kynar® PVDF, it is designed for complete chemical compatibility. Other materials include ceramic and Viton®. Standard bushing is carbon. The Series 10K pumps have connections sizes - 3" MPT inlet and 2"MPT outlet.

Compact and adaptable to many applications, March Series 2 pumps can deliver flows to 5.5 gpm and handle maximum head up to 13.5 ft. Available in both open air and epoxy clad submersible models with a variety of options in both materials of construction and inlet/outlet ports. Series 2 pumps include submersible pumps as well as models that can be used either submerged or in open air. They are used in a wide variety of chemical, OEM and industrial applications, including etching equipment, degreasers, garden fountain, ice makers and plate processors.

Compact and adaptable to many applications, March Series 2 pumps can deliver flows to 5.5 gpm and handle maximum head up to 13.5 ft. Available in both open air and epoxy clad submersible models with a variety of options in both materials of construction and inlet/outlet ports. Series 2 pumps include submersible pumps as well as models that can be used either submerged or in open air. They are used in a wide variety of chemical, OEM and industrial applications, including etching equipment, degreasers, garden fountain, ice makers and plate processors.

Compact and adaptable to many applications, March Series 2 pumps can deliver flows to 5.5 gpm and handle maximum head up to 13.5 ft. Available in both open air and epoxy clad submersible models with a variety of options in both materials of construction and inlet/outlet ports. Series 2 pumps include submersible pumps as well as models that can be used either submerged or in open air. They are used in a wide variety of chemical, OEM and industrial applications, including etching equipment, degreasers, garden fountain, ice makers and plate processors.