Check Valves

Asahi/America Swing Check Valves are self-contained, automatic valves which are used to prevent the reversal of flow in a pipeline. When open and under flow pressure, the checking mechanism will move freely in the media, offering very little resistance and minimal pressure drop. Asahi/America Swing Check Valves utilize a swinging disc which requires only minimal back pressure to close the valve. This valve can be modified, with lever and weight or spring, to assist in seating faster, and to eliminate shock.
Features - • Minimum resistance to flow • May be installed either vertically or horizontally • Excellent flow characteristics • Disc seats tightly with minimum back pressure • Seat materials - EPDM, FKM or PTFE • All sizes rated for full vacuum service • PVC valves up to 3” rated for 150 psi @ 80°F, 4" to 6" sizes rated for 100 psi and 8" size rated for 75 psi.
Swing Check Options
• External lever and weight to assist disc in closing quickly • External spring to assist disc in closing