
Finish Thompson DB3, 4 and 5 Series magnetic drive, seal-less pumps are the new standard for hydraulic efficiency and corrosive fluid handling. These fractional horsepower pumps can be used for highly corrosive or mild chemicals, acids or solvents at flows to 20 GPM or up to 35 feet of head pressure. DB5.5 Series pumps perform up to 30 gpm or head pressures to 30 feet. Constructed from polypropylene or PVDF, the DB Series operates durably in the most corrosive of environments. It can even run dry without damage when supplied with carbon bushing.
Flow Range
• DB3: 0.25 to 15.1 gpm • DB4: 0.25 to 18.0 gpm • DB5: 0.25 to 19.4 gpm • DB5.5: 0.25 to 30.0 gpm

March Series 5.5 pumps deliver maximum flow of 30 gpm at head up to 41 feet. Able to handle chemicals of all kinds at temperatures up to 190°F. Units with Kynar® PVDF housings can handle strong halogen solutions and certain chromic and sulfuric acids. Other options for materials include glass filled polypropylene, ceramic, Viton®, and 316 stainless steel. Standard port configurations a 1" FPT inlet and 3/4" MPT outlet. Priming Reservoir Option - Wetted materials are polypropylene and Viton®. Series 5.5 - maximum suction lift of 7 feet.

March Series 5.5 pumps deliver maximum flow of 30 gpm at head up to 41 feet. Able to handle chemicals of all kinds at temperatures up to 190°F. Units with Kynar® PVDF housings can handle strong halogen solutions and certain chromic and sulfuric acids. Other options for materials include glass filled polypropylene, ceramic, Viton®, and 316 stainless steel. Standard port configurations a 1" FPT inlet and 3/4" MPT outlet. Priming Reservoir Option - Wetted materials are polypropylene and Viton®. Series 5.5 - maximum suction lift of 7 feet.