
Finish Thompson DB11 Series magnetic drive, seal-less pumps are the new standard for hydraulic efficiency and corrosive fluid handling. These pumps can be used for highly corrosive or mild chemicals, acids or solvents at flows to 116 GPM at temperatures to 220°F. Finish Thompson DB-Series offer the industry’s best five-year warranty.
• Chemical Processing • Metal Plating • Water and Wastewater • Electronics • Wet Scrubbers • Pulp and Paper

Finish Thompson DB-Series 6 magnetic drive, seal-less pumps are the new standard for hydraulic efficiency and corrosive fluid handling. These pumps can be used for highly corrosive or mild chemicals, acids or solvents at flows to 40 GPM at temperatures to 210°F. Constructed from polypropylene or PVDF, the DB Series operates durably in the most corrosive of environments. It can even run dry without damage when supplied with carbon bushing. Finish Thompson DB-Series offer the industry’s best five-year warranty.
Flow Range
• DB6: 0.5 to 40 gpm

Series 10K pumps are ideal transfer pumps for many strong acid and caustic chemical solutions, such as those based on halogens or chromic and sulfuric acids. Made of carbon-filled Kynar® PVDF, it is designed for complete chemical compatibility. Other materials include ceramic and Viton®. Standard bushing is carbon. The Series 10K pumps have connections sizes - 3" MPT inlet and 2"MPT outlet.

Simple, versatile and reliable, March Series 3 pumps feature an “orbital” magnetic drive and leakproof design. They are rated up to 10 gpm flow and for heads up to 20.5 ft. Typical applications include film processsors, ice makers, laboratory and medical equipment, vapor degreasers and marine air conditioning systems. The Series 3 pumps are available in both open air and epoxy clad submersible models. A variety of materials of construction ensure compatibility with almost any solutions: polypropylene, Delrin®, Viton®, nylon Buna N rubber, ceramic, and polysulfil plastic (submersible models). Port options are 3/4" FPT inlet with 1/2” MPT outlet or 3/4" O.D. smooth inlet and outlet, for tubing connections.

Seal-less Magnetic Drive Pumps - 14 gpm March Series 4 pumps can deliver a maximum flow of 14 gpm, and are capable of serving applications with a maximum head of 21.5 feet ( 49 feet with air motor ). Applications include electronic medical equipment, etching machines, photo processing equipment, hospital thermal blankets and food heating cabinets. The Series 4 pumps are available with a 1" FPT inlet and 1/2" MPT outlet, or a 1" smooth inlet and 3/4" smooth outlet for tubing connection. Standard materials of construction are polypropylene, with options for wetted materials that include Ryton® or Kynar® PVDF, ceramic, Buna N rubber and Viton® for total chemical compatibility. Carbon bushings are available. Priming Reservoir fits all Series 4, 5, 5.5 and 6 plastic pumps. Wetted materials are polypropylene and Viton® Series 4 - maximum suction lift of 10 feet.