Cement, Primer and Accessories

Medium-bodied, extremely fast-setting, PVC cement for all classes and schedules through 6” diameter, Schedule 80 through 4” diameter. Especially formulated for applications where conditions are very wet and/or quick pressurization is desired.

Medium-bodied, very fast-setting, PVC cement for all classes and schedules through 6” diameter. Is a superb cold weather product with performance to -15˚ F. 727 can be used without primer with fittings that have an interference fit ( where codes allow ).

Medium-bodied, fast-setting, PVC cement for all flex / flex & flex / rigid PVC pipe and fittings through 6" diameter, Schedule 80 through 3" diameter. Excellent product for flex / rigid applications. Has an elastomer in the formulation which allows a more flexible joint.

For PVC, CPVC, ABS and Styrene piping applications. This fast acting cleaner will remove surface dirt and grease from the pipe surface.

Replacement cans for cement with writable surface for product identification.